Sunday, January 27, 2008

Life after Acute pancreatitis

I am fine now.

Insulin dependent diabetic after an year of surgery.

On medication support.

Operated for Pseudocyst of pancreas.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Pseudocyst of pancreas

This is a complication happens after the Acute/Chronic pancretitis.
The infected fluid pushes the flesh and fibre out near the pancreas and makes a cyst which created on the movment of fibre.

Dangerous and painful.

The therapy:

Endoscopic drainage
Percutaneos drainagae
Key hole surgery
Open surgery.

I went thru all of them.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

About Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a disease caused due to inflammation of pancreas. This is a dangerous disease not because generally the sufferes neglect the stomache ache as normal gastric problems.

the pancreaytitis caused because of the excess secreation of enzymes by the pancrease.

The symptoms are stomach ache on the left bottom side. The usual causes for this disese are

  1. Alcolhol abuse
  2. Gall bladder stones

But it is understood that some gene disorders alos cause this disease. Post pancreatitis there is defenite chance of dveloping psedu cyst. This can cause acute back pain and vomitting. If internal bleeding occurs the cyst can create bigger problems.

I suffered this disease in 2001 and survived and now a insulin dependent diabetic patient. I need regular enzyme suppliment.

More about my experience shall be posted later.